High Street, Chipping Campden
Chipping Campden on the Web
site by QuinSolve :: W - www.quinsolve.co.uk :: E - enquiries@quinsolve.co.uk :: T - +44 (0)1789 868191
QuinSolve Website for Mill Barn
Mill Barn - Website byQuinSolve©

Join the Chipping Campden Website

If you would like to feature your business, community and sports news or any other events, please contact us with your details.

Please use the contact details given below for telephone, fax and email. 


Tel:  01789 868191



Alternatively you can write to us at:



15 Oaken Drive

Solihull B91 1RJ


Similarly if you are visiting Chipping Campden and have any questions or queries please feel free to contact us.