High Street, Chipping Campden
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site by QuinSolve :: W - www.quinsolve.co.uk :: E - enquiries@quinsolve.co.uk :: T - +44 (0)1789 868191
Local Clubs
There are numerous clubs in Chipping Campden: Bowling, Badminton, Bridge, Camera, Chess, Luncheon, Cricket, Football, Ladies Hockey, Probus, Rugby Football, Tennis, Vintage Motor Cycle and Youth Clubs. 
Bowling Club -
Chipping Campden Bowling Club

Station Road  

Chipping Campden  


Tel: 01386 593810



Chipping Campden Bowling Club has launched a raffle to win a car. It is hoped that the raffle will raise much needed funds for the club. The £10,000 car, a Ford Fiesta Zetec 1.25, has been supplied by Cutts of Campden Ford Dealership. Tickets are just £10 with all proceeds going to the club.  


Tickets can be purchased directly from Bowling Club members – just pop into the Clubhouse or visit www.ccbowlingclub.co.uk. The new site has been developed so that people can purchase draw tickets online.  


The Grand Draw is taking place on Saturday 26th September 2009 at the Club House on Station Rd. Everyone is welcome to join us on the day. Please support your local community and perhaps you will be the lucky winner of a brand new car.



Secretary:  Bernard Smith

To offer anyone interested in the opportunity of gentle exercise in pleasant sourroundings and to meet players from nearby clubs in friendly competition. New members welcome.


############## EXCELLENT VENUE AVAILABLE FOR HIRE ################


Chipping Campden Bowling Club is pleased to announce that their newly completed clubhouse is available for hire for all parties and group activities. The brand new state of the art building is big enough for 100 people and has its own fully stocked bar, ample parking and excellent catering facilities.

New members are always welcome. For more information, or to book please contact Bernard Smith on 01386 593 810 or email: Bernard.smith70@btinternet.com

Badminton Club -
16 Shipston Road, Stratford  CV37 7LP
Tel: 01789 293688
Mr Neville Fox

Meets every Tuesday evening at The Sports Centre, Chipping Campden School from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

Bridge Club -

Upper Town Hall, The Square, Chipping Campden

Tel: 01386 840351

Secretary: Sue Roberts, Tel:  01386 840351 


The club meets for Duplicate bridge on Wednesdays at 7.00 pm throughout the year. Partners may be arranged if needed by telephoning the above number.  


Visitors always welcome - if visitors wish to join us please will they come a few minutes earlier so they can be welcomed?