High Street, Chipping Campden
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Campden Time Warp - photo by Terry J Morgan
Campden Time Warp - photo by Terry J Morgan - tjmshots©

Exploring Town

This ancient town has many beautiful buildings. From St James Church right through to Dover's Hill all nestling in tranquil and beautiful countryside.  These beautiful buildings provide a plethora of architectural styles across the centuries and is both an area of outstanding natural beauty and a conservation area.

St James Church
Campden House Gateway
The Banqueting House
The Almshouses
The High Street
Grevel House
A Local Thatched Home
Market Hall
The Old Silk Mill
The Silk Mill, which has an exhibition of old artefacts, is the home of the world renowned Guild of Handicrafts.The Guild was founded by C.R.Ashbee and moved here in 1902. Although it closed in 1908, many of the craftsmen stayed, and some of their descendants are still working in the Old Silk Mill, formerly the Guild's main workshop, producing objects respected the world over.


Market Hall, Chipping Campden - photo by Betty StockerThe Woolstaplers Hall - Opposite Grevel's House is The Woolstaplers Hall, built in 1340. For hundreds of years it was a Wool Exchange, attracting merchants from London and as far afield as Florence, to buy Cotswold fleeces for shipment around the world.


The Market Hall - built in the 17th century with funds provided by Sir Baptist Hicks to provide some shelter for market traders.  Although now owned by the National Trust, the Market Hall still provides shelter for traders.